Sustainable Tourism Bogotá
Endemics: Green-bearded helmetcrest, Apolinar's wren, Bogotá rail, Silvery-throated spinetail
Near endemics: Bronze-tailed thornbill, Rufous-browed conebill, Pale-bellied tapaculo
Regularly seen: Andean teal, Tawny Antpitta, Noble Snipe, Black-chested buzzard eagle, Chestnut-winged cinclodes, Brown-backed chat-tyrant, Tyrian Metaltail, Red-rumped bush-tyrant, Many-striped canastero, Ruddy duck, American coot, Yellowlegs, Blue-winged teal, Scarlet-bellied mountain-tanager, Glossy flowerpiercer, Pale-naped brush-finch, Andean siskin, Plumbeous sierra-finch.
Things to know
In the Colombian Andes, páramos are found between 3,400 and 5000 meters of altitude. This means that the air is very thin, making it difficult to breathe. Temperatures commonly range between 5C and 10C, though they can drop to 1C or become as high as 20C. It's best to dress in layers and bring sun protection, as rain and sun quickly alternate several times on any given day. Waterproof shoes/boots are a MUST.
Price is $95 per person, based on a 2-person minimum. This includes private transportation, 4 hours of birdwatching in the páramo, access to identification materials & a bilingual guide. Snacks & picnic meals can be arranged upon request. Should you wish to spend more time out in the field, additional hours will be billed at $25 per group per hour.
* Due to an early departure, pick-up from your hotel (most locations) is included in this tour, but drop-off will be at the Pan Pa Ya in Chapinero.