Sustainable Tourism Bogotá
Endemics: Turquoise dacnis, Velvet-fronted euphonia, Colombian chachalaca, Indigo-capped Hummingbird
Near endemics: Scrub tanager, Bar-crested Antshrike
Regularly seen: Crimson-backed tanager, Tropical mockingbird, Blue-necked tanager, Saffron finch, Palm tanager, Blue-gray tanager, Red-crowned woodpecker, Thick-billed euphonia, Bay-headed tanager, Orange-chinned parakeet, Spectacled parrotlet, House wren, Black phoebe, Great kiskadee, Ruddy ground-dove, Smooth-billed ani, White-vented plumeleteer, Yellow-headed caracara, Streaked saltator, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Ringed Kingfisher, Bare-faced Ibis, Yellow-bellied Seedeater, Yellow-faced Grassquit
Things to know
The sub-tropical forest is very green and lush, but can go many months without major rainfall. During the day temperatures can reach 27C, and at night drop to 15C, but the average temperature is closer to 22C. A tour of the coffee production process can be included for those who wish to combine birdwatching with other activities.

Price is $95 per person, based on a 2-person minimum. This includes private transportation, all entrances, access to identification materials & a bilingual guide.
* Hotel pick-up (most locations) is included due to the early departure time. Drop-off for this tour is at the Pan Pa Ya in Chapinero.