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Sustainable Tourism Bogotá

Chicaque Cloud Forest Birdwatching - 2 days

Take a walk through the clouds as you look for colorful tanagers, toucanets and hummingbirds. Enjoy a peaceful evening spent at the lodge and wake up early to watch the feeding flocks as they pass through nearby forest. 


You have the option between a private room with a shared bathroom in the lodge or a private room with a private bathroom in the cabins. With enough notice we may be able to arrange accommodation in a luxury treehouse (easier during low season and weekdays).

Things to know

Temperatures commonly range between 10ºC and 15ºC with sporadic rain showers. The terrain in this Cloud Forest is mostly stone pathways that can turn slippery when wet and often involve steep inclines that can be demanding for the legs.

Note: We can also offer this tour for non-hikers and people with limited mobility using horses or 4x4 transport.


This tour is located south-west of Bogotá, 1.5 hours from our departure point (37km). At the start of the trail the altitude is 2600 m.a.s.l. The accommodation and restaurant sit at 2300 m.a.s.l.



Endemics: Black inca, Indigo-capped hummingbird

Near endemics: Golden-bellied starfrontlet, Rufous-browed conebill, Scrub tanager, Red-billed emerald

Regularly seen: Andean Guan, Emerald toucanet, Flame-faced tanager, Beryl-spangled tanager, Ash-browed spinetail, Three-striped warbler, Slate-throated whitestart, Collared inca, Glowing puffleg, Andean solitaire, Masked flowerpiercer, Chestnut-crowned antpitta (heard), Summer tanager (migratory), Cinnamon flycatcher, Pale-naped brush-finch, Blue-and-black Tanager, Squirrel Cuckoo, Metallic-green Tanager, Common Chlorospingus, Acorn Woodpecker, Montane Foliage-gleaner


Price is $275 per person, based on a 2-person minimum. Price includes private transportation, park entrances, accommodation at the lodge, 3 meals, internal transport from the lodge back up to the entrance, access to identification materials & a bilingual guide.

*Pick-up and drop-off is from Pan Pa Ya in Chapinero

**Cabins and/or Treehouse accommodation is subject to an extra charge

***If you don't want to hike down to the valley we can arrange transport at a flat rate of $25. Transport back up is already included in the price.


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